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Recyclix Sp. Z.o.o. - Pel Ltd e Kakao Ltd - Lm Swiss Group Ltd

CONSOB (the National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange) has adopted (under the terms of Art. 99, paragraph 1, lett. d), of the CLF) a measure prohibiting the offering to the public resident in Italy made by the company Recyclix SP. Z.O.O., regarding investments of a financial nature promoted also through the website (Resolution no. 19799 of 6 December 2016). This is because the offering was made in breach of artt. 94 et seq. of Italian Legislative Decree no. 58/1998, concerning the obligation, for anyone intending to make a public offering, to send in advance to CONSOB a prospectus destined for publication. The offering had already been suspended by CONSOB for 90 days as a precautionary measure with Resolution no. 19723 of this past 14 September. The Commission reminds you that, under the terms of Art. 101, paragraph 2, of the said decree the distribution of all advertisements regarding public offerings of financial products other than community financial instruments is prohibited before a prospectus has been published.

All advertisements related to the offering must consequently be considered forbidden.

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The National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange, CONSOB also reports that:

  • the companies Pel Ltd and Kakao Ltd are not authorised to carry out investment services and activities in Italy in any way, including through the website > >;

  • the company LM Swiss Group Ltd, operating with the brand “SwissFxTrading” and the website, and the company LM Swiss Direct Ltd, operating with the brands “SwissFxTrading”, “SwissFxPro” and “LM Swiss” and the websites, and, are not authorised to carry out investment services and activities in Italy in any way.

(in "Consob Informa" no. 47/2016 - 12 December 2016)