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Five Winds Asset Management - - - Iforex24 Ltd - Smart Choice Zone Lp - Titanium Tech Solutions Limited -Nostro Technology Ltd - Black Parrot Limited - Blonde Bear Ou

The National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange has:

  • suspended as a precautionary measure, for a period of 90 days, in accordance with art. 99, paragraph 1, letter b) of Italian Legislative Decree n. 58/1998 (Consolidated Law on Finance – TUF), the public offering of "investment packages" promoted by Five Winds Asset Management including through the website and the Facebook page (resolution n. 20301 of February 14, 2018);
  • ordered, in accordance with art. 7-octies, letter b) of the TUF, the companies Iforex24 Ltd (, Smart Choice Zone Lp and Titanium Tech Solutions Limited (, Nostro Technology Ltd ( and Black Parrot Limited - Blonde Bear Ou (, to cease the infringement of art. 18 of Italian Legislative Decree n.58/98 put in place through their respective websites, consisting of the provision of investment services and activities to the Italian public (resolutions n. 20302, 20303, 20304 and 20305 of February 14, 2018).

(in "Consob Informa" no. 7/2018 - 19 February 2018)