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Periodic review and proposed amendments to the Regulation concerning the procedures for the adoption of general regulatory acts: consultation document (24 June 2021)

Consob has launched a public consultation relating to the periodic review of the Regulation concerning the procedures for the adoption of general regulatory acts (adopted with resolution no. 19654 of 5 July 2016).

The adoption of the Regulation constituted a fundamental step for the full implementation of the principles of better regulation which, according to the provisions of the primary legislator, must inform the regulatory activity of the independent Authorities.

In accordance with what happens for the other regulations adopted by Consob, the Regulation is subjected to "periodic review, at least every three years starting from the date of adoption", assessing its suitability to achieve the aims pursued, in relation to the cost overall regulatory framework.

The document is avalable only in Italian language:

 Consultation Document of 24 June 2021