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Three-Year Plan for Corruption Prevention and Transparency: Consob launches a market consultation (5 February 2021)

Consob has launched a public consultation on its 2021-2023 Three-year Plan for Corruption Prevention and Transparency (PTPCT).

The consultation, lasting thirty days, is aimed at collecting any comments on the Plan by external stakeholders.

Law no. 190/2012, together with the National Anti-corruption Plan and its updates over the years, requires that the anti-corruption activity planning document, namely, the Three-year Plan for Corruption Prevention and Transparency, be adopted each year by the institution's "political-administrative policy authority", on a proposal by the Manager for Corruption Prevention and Transparency.

The law assigns the task of defining the strategic objectives on corruption prevention and transparency and the related strategic actions to achieve them to the Manager for Corruption Prevention and Transparency.

In the context of the initiatives and activities carried out on the subject of transparency and the interventions for the prevention and fight against corruption, Consob must therefore, on the proposal of the Manager for Corruption Prevention and Transparency, approve the 2021-2023 Three-year Corruption Prevention Plan by 31/03/2021.

The consultation document is the updated version of the Plan and contains a presentation of i) the results of the monitoring carried out on the implementation of the provisions of the previously published Plan; ii) the activities carried out in 2020; and iii) the initiatives planned for the next three years.

Members of the public and all associations or other forms of organisations that represent collective interests are invited to submit proposals and/or comments aimed at better identifying measures to prevent corruption, which will be taken into account by Consob for the 2021-2023 Three-year Plan for Corruption Prevention and Transparency.

Comments may be submitted, no later than 12.00 noon on 8 March 2021 using the following e-mail address

 Public consultation on Consob Three-Year Plan for Corruption Prevention and Transparency 2021-2023 years [only Italian version]

 Annex 1 - Process mapping and risk assessment [only Italian version]

 Annex 2 - Mapping of processes, risky events and prevention measures [only Italian version]

 Annex 3 - List of publication obligations in force during the three-year period 2021-2023 [only Italian version]