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Dc Digital Processing 2 Ltd - Green Galaxy International Sa - Markets Capital Ltd - Ob Fenix - Capital Markets Banc - Joshua Development Limited - Astra Financial Limited - Blue Seal Limited - Easyinvestment500 > >

The National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange (CONSOB) reports that:

  • the companies Dc Digital Processing 2 Ltd and Green Galaxy International SA, operating through the website, are not authorised to provide investment services and business in Italy in any way;

  • two companies, both named Markets Capital Ltd, with declared headquarters in the Marshall Islands and in the United Kingdom, operating through the website and the web address, are not authorised to provide investment services and business in Italy in any way;

  • Ob Fenix is not authorised in Italy to offer out-of-office, or to promote or place by means of remote communication, investment services or business in any way, including through the website;

  • the companies Capital Markets Banc, Joshua Development Limited and Astra Financial Limited are not authorised to provide investment services and business in Italy in any way, including through the website;

  • the company Blue Seal Limited is not authorised to provide investment and business in Italy in any way, including through the website;

  • the company < Easyinvestment500 > > is not authorised to provide investment services and business in Italy in any way, including through the website www.< easyinvestment500 >.com.

(in "Consob Informa" no. 3/2017 - 30 January 2017)