Asset Publisher

Financial Dispute Arbitrator: Consob renews the three-year mandate to the members today in charge (Press Release of December 13th, 2019)


On 12 December 2019 Consob confirmed the three-year appointment to the members of the Financial Dispute Arbitrator (Arbitro per le controversie finanziario - Acf), the body set for the out-of-court resolution of disputes between intermediaries and savers.

The members of the board of Arbitrator remain in office for a three-year period and they are renewable only one time for three years more. The first term for both the effective and the alternate members expired on December 12, 2019, with the exception of President Gianpaolo Barbuzzi, appointed for a five-year term, and Gustavo Olivieri, who was appointed last year to replace Federico Ferro-Luzzi, who had resigned.

Current members have been confirmed:

  • Daniela Morgante and Marilena Rispoli Farina (on Consob designation);
  • Giorgio Afferni (on designation of the National Council of Consumers and Users);
  • Giuseppe Guizzi (on designation of financial intermediaries).

Alternate members have been confirmed:

  • Antonio Albanese, Maria Debora Braga, Michele De Mari, Raffaele Di Raimo, Luigi Salamone (on Consob designation);
  • Vincenzo Farina and Donato Patera (on designation of the National Council of Consumers and Users);
  • Francesco De Santis and Raffaele Lener (on designation of financial intermediaries).

Press release PDF