

Strategic Future Investment Ltd - Sigma Cfd Ltd - 

Pursuant to art. 7- octies, letter b) of Italian Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 (Consolidated Law on Finance - TUF), the National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange has ordered the following companies to cease the infringement of art. 18 of the same Decree consisting of the provision of unauthorised investment services and activities to the Italian public:

- Strategic Future Investment Ltd, through the website (Resolution no. 20616 of October 10, 2018);

- Sigma Cfd Ltd , through the website (Resolution no. 20615 of October 10, 2018).

The National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange has also:

- suspended, for a period of 90 days, pursuant to article 99, paragraph 1, letter b) of the Consolidated Law on Finance, the offer to the Italian public involving the "AvaCrypto Investment Plan" performed without the required authorisation including through the website (Resolution no. 20617 of October 10, 2018).

(in "Consob Informa" no. 38/2018 - 15 October 2018)