Legal Notices

Legal Notices

This site is available 24 hours a day, however CONSOB assumes no responsibility in the event of a partial or total inability to access the site or for any damages deriving from use of the same.

Pursuant to the legislation in force, the official version of the documents and CONSOB publications are those reported in the Newsletter, provided for in art. 17, paragraph 1, of Italian Presidential Decree no. 252/79.

The documents and images on this site are provided exclusively for informational use, the copyright and any other rights pertaining to material contained on this site is the property of CONSOB, unless indicated otherwise.

No part of this site may be reproduced on any other website or in any other public or private computer system, without prior written permission from CONSOB.

The content on this site may be printed or downloaded according to the following rules:

- any copy of these pages, saved to a disc or other storage media, may only be used for subsequent viewing, research and printing for personal use;

- images and documents contained on this site may not be modified in any way.

The CONSOB website contains a list of Organisations and Authorities that carry out activities related to those of the Institute; CONSOB assumes no responsibility for the information and data reported on said sites.

Inserting the hyperlink to the site / on sites belonging to other subjects, does not indicate any approval and/or evaluation by CONSOB of the content of the sites in question.


Technical Requirements

To correctly display the information on the site it is advised to use a minimum video resolution of 800 x 600 pixels and the latest versions of the web browsers: Microsoft Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera.

See Also


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