Asset Publisher

2023 Report on corporate governance of Italian listed companies

Corporate governance of Italian listed companies



The Report provides evidence on corporate governance of Italian companies with ordinary shares listed on the main Italian regulated market organised and managed by Borsa Italiana Spa, Euronext Milan (EXM).
In particular, the 2023 edition of the Report examines: the ownership structure of listed companies and the evolution of the presence of women on the boards at the end of 2023; the characteristics of corporate boards taken from the corporate governance reports published by firms in 2023 and referring to the 2022 financial year; the results of votes on remuneration policies and remuneration reports in the AGMs held in the first half of 2023 by the 100 largest listed companies by capitalisation (94% of total market value at the end of June 2023); the types of related party transactions disclosed by listed companies to the public and CONSOB in the period 2011-2023.


Ownership and control structure
Data on governance of Italian listed companies at the end of 2023 confirm the high ownership concentration and low control contestability of companies. With regard to ownership concentration, the share of the largest shareholder is equal on average to around 49%, in line with the value recorded in 2021 and slightly higher than in 2011. Among relevant shareholders, institutional investors are currently present in 51 companies, down from the 67 investee companies in 2019. The decline is more noticeable for foreign institutional investors (who are major shareholders in 40 companies, down from 55 in 2019). On the other hand, the presence of Italian institutional investors is slightly and gradually increasing (with major stakes held in 17 issuers at the end of 2023, up from 14 in 2019). ... more


Corporate boards and board diversity
As for corporate boards, at the end of 2023 female directors in listed companies peak to 43% of total directorships, being such figure the result of the application of the two-fifths gender quota of the body envisaged by Law no. 160/2019. Consistently with previous years, in three cases out of four (74.9%) women serve as independent directors, while seldom they are the company’s CEO or chairman (respectively, in 20 and 31 cases, equal to 2.3% and 3.6% of women on board). Female board members holding multiple directorships in listed companies (interlocking) regards 28.9% of women at the end of 2023; even if higher than men’s, women interlocking has reduced in recent years, after the peak reached in 2019 (when female interlockers accounted for 34.9% of women directors).
The evolution of corporate board diversity over time also reflects the increase in the presence of women on boards due to the provisions on gender quotas; from 2011 to the end of 2022, in particular, there was an increase in the level of education and a diversification of the professional background of directors.
The board committees are widespread among Italian listed firms. Over the past five years, in particular, the number of companies establishing a sustainability committee has increased significantly, from 45 companies in 2017 to 123 at the end of 2022 (from 61.3% to 94.5% of capitalisation), given the greater awareness of ESG (environmental, social and governance) issues, which are also expressly referred to in the Corporate Governance Code. ... more


Annual general meetings
The 2023 shareholders' meeting season of the 100 listed companies with the highest capitalisation recorded further growth in shareholder participation: in particular, an average 77.8% of the share capital took part in the AGM, compared to 75.4% in the previous year, setting a new high since 2012 (first year of survey). At the same time, there was a slight decline in the participation of institutional investors, who represented an average of 21.2% of the share capital (21.9% in 2022 and 22.8% in 2021). Specifically, the share of foreign institutional investors amounted to 18.2% of the share capital in 2023 (19.3% in 2022 and 20.4% in 2021), while the share of Italian institutional investors amounted to 3% (2.6% in 2022). The latter took part in 99 AGMs, up from 94 in 2022. In 2023, the shareholders' meeting consent on both remuneration policies, which averaged 68.5% of the share capital, and remuneration reports, which averaged 68.7%, remained virtually unchanged from the previous year. On the other hand, there was a decrease in the number of votes in favour by institutional investors, since, on average, the latter endorsed remuneration policies and remuneration reports with percentages of 52.7 (62.5% in 2022) and 55.7 (67.4% in 2022) of their votes, respectively. ... more


Related party transactions
In relation to material related party transactions (RPTs), in 2011-2023 Italian listed companies carried out 746 transactions (42 in 2023, a figure higher than the previous year, when material RPTs had been 34, but lower than the average figure of 57 documents per year), mostly entered into by smaller companies. Additionally, in 2011-2023, 307 material RPTs have been exempted from CONSOB Regulation being ordinary and at arm's-length conditions (16 in 2023, compared to 27 in 2022 and the average figure of about 24 transactions per year). Such transactions, that have been reported to CONSOB according to the relevant rules, were mainly entered into by larger companies. ... more


The Report was prepared by:
Paola Deriu (coordinator) - CONSOB, Head of Research Department (
Angela Ciavarella - CONSOB, Corporate Governance Department (
Eugenia Della Libera - CONSOB, Research Department (
Giovanna Di Stefano - CONSOB, Research Department (
Lucia Pierantoni - CONSOB, Research Department (
Rossella Signoretti - CONSOB, Corporate Governance Department (
Elena Frasca - CONSOB, Research Department (

The authors wish to thank Giovanni Mollo for his contribution to the definition of the regulatory framework. The opinions expressed in the Report are the authors' personal views and are in no way binding on Consob.  


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ISSN 2281-535X [online]