Consob and its Activities
- Regulation
- Participants and Markets
- Listed Companies
- Subjects that have published the NFS
- Markets
- Investment firms
- Register of Italian Investment Firms (SIMs)
- Class 1 Italian Investment firms
- Trust companies (SIM fiduciarie)
- Companies of non EU authorized in Italy with branches
- Class 1 companies of non-EU countries other than banks authorised in Italy with branches
- Companies of non EU authorized in Italy without branches
- Class 1 companies of non-EU countries other than banks authorised in Italy without branches
- List of Investment Firms authorised in other EU states with branches in Italy
- Class 1 Investment firms authorised in other EU countries with branches in Italy
- List of investment Firms authorised in other EU states without branches in Italy
- Class 1 investment firms authorised in other EU countries without branches in Italy
- Crowdfunding service providers
- Auditing firms
- List of systems for dissemination of regulated information
- List of centralized storage mechanisms for regulated information
- Financial conglomerates
- Publications
- Annual report
- Newsletter
- Strategic plan
- Research papers
- Statistics and analyses
- Focus on
- Consob resolutions
- Orders to cease infringement of article 18 of Consolidated Law on Finance offering or carrying out investment services or activities through the Internet without being qualified
- Short selling prohibitions
- Offering prohibitions and suspensions
- Prohibitions pursuant article 7-quater, paragraph 4 of the Consolidated Law on Finance
- Watch for scams!
- Italian investment firms (SIMs)
- List of investment firms authorized in other EU states with branches in Italy
- List of investment firms authorized in other EU states without branches in Italy
- Companies not authorized to operate – Warnings to savers
- Companies of non-EU/third countries authorized by Consob to operate in Italy with branches
- Companies of non-EU/third countries other than banks authorized by Consob to operate in Italy without branches
- List of UK firms other than banks ‘passported' as of 31 December 2020 and that are no longer allowed to operate in Italy as of 1 January 2021
- Trust companies (SIM fiduciarie)
- Financial advisors
- Useful phone numbers
- Italian Register against unwanted calls
- Consumer associations
- Services for reporting a scam