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Consob notice of 18 May 2023 regarding compliance with the Guidelines issued by ESMA on scenarios and indicators of CCP recovery plans under Regulation (EU) 2021/23 with reference to a framework for the recovery and resolution of central counterparties (CCPRR) (23 May 2023)

Consob notice of 18 May 2023

Notice regarding compliance with the Guidelines issued by ESMA on scenarios and indicators of CCP recovery plans under Regulation (EU) 2021/23 with reference to a framework for the recovery and resolution of central counterparties (CCPRR)

Consob and the Bank of Italy, as the competent authorities for the supervision of Italian central counterparties (CCPs), comply with the "Guidelines on scenarios for CCP recovery plans (Article No. 9 (12) of the CCPRR)" and the "Guidelines on indicators for CCP recovery plans (Article No. 9 (5) of the CCPRR)" issued by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), incorporating them into their respective supervisory practices.

The Guidelines, which were published on ESMA's website in all official languages of the Union last 24 March, aim to specify respectively the range of scenarios and the minimum list of qualitative and quantitative indicators to be considered by CCPs when drawing up and keeping up-to-date recovery plans, as well as by competent authorities when assessing the same plans.

Pursuant to Regulation (EU) No. 1095/2010, ESMA was informed of the decision to comply with these Guidelines.

Paolo Savona

 Consob notice of 18 May 2023 PDF version