Asset Publisher

Financial Education Month 2021 – Take care of your future - Applications are open for the organization of initiatives and events on financial education throughout Italy next October (Press Release of 6 July 2021)


October is Financial Education Month. We are in the fourth edition and the Committee for the planning and coordination of financial education activities will be available throughout Italy with a series of initiatives aimed at promoting the development of financial, insurance and social security culture. The theme of the October 2021 Month will be "Take care of your future", highlighting the strong connection between what we are sowing today and what we will reap tomorrow. Through the increase of our basic knowledge on financial, insurance and pension issues, we can make easier to ourselves to take care of our finances, to make informed choices to deal with our future with serenity, to learn how to manage any unpredictable event and to achieve a greater financial well-being.

The initiatives of the Month will be held from the 1st of October 2021 to the 31st ; they will be both online and face-to-face, in various forms: conferences, webinars, cultural initiatives, seminars, shows, days of gaming and training for adults, teens and children.

Last year the Month was focused on the theme of financial choices at the time of Covid-19 and it ended with a very positive balance: the events organized throughout Italy were more than 600 and they disclosed a wide participation due also to the use of digital tools. These results bode well for a great membership this year, too.

The Committee invites associations, institutions, companies, universities and research centres, schools, foundations, public administrations and any organization wishing to engage in the field of financial education with quality events, to apply by 24 September through the appropriate form which is available on the portal of the Committee .

All the initiatives following the requirements set by the Guidelines available on the portal of the Committee will be welcomed. Membership will allow you to use the official logo of the Month and to benefit from the many promotional activities at national and local level managed by the Committee, in order to guarantee greater visibility to the organizers of the various initiatives. Information on single events will be published on the official website and on the social profiles @ITAedufin on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and @ComitatoEdufin on LinkedIn.

 Press Release in PDF

The Committee for the planning and coordination of financial education activities has the task of planning and promoting awareness-raising and financial education initiatives to measurably improve skills in the fields of savings, investments, pensions, insurance.

The Committee, headed by Professor Annamaria Lusardi, is composed of: Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Welfare, Bank of Italy, Consob, Covip, Ivass, Ocf, National Council of Consumers and Users.