

Resolution no. 21314

Extension of the terms provided by the "Provisions concerning the obligations for the communication of data and news and the transmission of acts and documents by supervised entities", adopted with Resolution no. 17297 of 28 April 2010 and subsequent amendments


HAVING REGARD TO the Law of 7 June 1974, no. 216 and subsequent modifications;

HAVING REGARD TO the Legislative Decree of 24 February 1998, no. 58 (Consolidated Law on Finance - "TUF") and subsequent modifications;

HAVING REGARD TO the «Provisions concerning data and news reporting obligations and the transmission of acts and documents by supervised entities", adopted with Resolution 17297 of 28 April 2010 and subsequent modifications ("Resolution 17297/2010");

HAVING REGARD TO the Presidential Decree (D.P.C.M.) of 9 March 2020, through which all the measures for the containment of the contagion from COVID-19, already envisaged by the Presidential Decree dated 8 March 2020 have been extended to the whole national territory;

CONSIDERING that these provisions entail – for protecting Public Health - strong restrictions both to the mobility of individuals and to physical contacts between people, and could therefore preclude the recipients of the Resolution 17297/2010 from the timely fulfillment of the obligations set forth therein;

CONSIDERING the need to adopt a general provision which, in relation to the aforementioned facts, allow supervised entities to fulfill their disclosure obligations of data and news and the transmission of acts and documents towards Consob in an orderly manner;


The sending terms established by Resolution 17297/2010, concerning the Reports referred to in the Annexes II.1, II.13 and II.15, as well as the Report on the organizational structure of SGR (asset management company), SICAF (fixed capital investment company), SICAV (variable capital investment company), are extended by 60 days.

25 March 2020

Paolo Savona