Prospectus approval

Prospectus approval

Interactive section for managing the application for approval of Issuer Prospectuses (SIPROEM).

Currently SIPROEM (interactive section for managing the application for approval of Issuers' Prospectuses) is available only in Italian. We are working to make it available also in English.

Access to the system for prospectus approval application.

As of 10 January 2013, the new information system for the dematerialization of the procedures for the acquisition and approval of prospectuses communicated to Consob, pursuant to Articles nos. 94 and 113 of the TUF (Legislative Decree no. 58 of 1998), is made available online.

The new information system is made available on the Institute's website ( ) in the "Services for Operators" section where the User's Manual with operating instructions for the online management of information files related to the investigative workflow of prospectus approval is published.

The current credentials (username/password) made available by Consob for the Teleraccolta systems may be used to access the procedure. In case access credentials are not available, they can be requested through the appropriate procedure available in the same section.

To assist operators, the Help Desk Service is available at the telephone number 06-8477388 and at the e-mail address .

The Prospectus Issuers' Approval Information System (SIPROEM) allows to manage the online computer file for the prospectus approval application and approval workflow, prior to the online filing stage (DEPROEM).

As of April 2013, companies are required to file their applications for prospectus acquisition and approval online only, through SIPROEM, including all categories of prospectuses.

Since 17 February 2014, the updated version of the Prospectus Issuers' Approval Information System (SIPROEM) has been available, functional for the submission to ESMA of offering documents (Prospectuses and Supplements) approved by CONSOB, pursuant to Directive 2010/78/EU (Omnibus Directive).

Please, note that, in the new release, users must proceed to the creation of a file corresponding to the relevant document for which approval is sought. Users should also note that, for the same purposes, rationalization work has been managed on the history of dossiers approved to date.

On 21 April 2020, the system was updated to incorporate the changes introduced with the entry into force of EU Regulation 2017/1129 and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/980.