Orders to cease infringement of investment services and activities without being qualified pursuant art. 18 of Consolidated Law on Finance - Year 2019
- Consob resolution no. 20806 of February 6, 2019 - Order, pursuant to article 7-octies, paragraph 1, letter b) of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 ('Consolidated Law on Finance') to cease the infringement of article 18 of the Consolidated Law on Finance put in place through the websites https://procapitalfx.com, https://it.probtctrade.com, https://it.btcglobefx.com, https://firstfxclub.com, https://it.protradefx.com, https://it.smartbtcfx.com, https://capitalfxclub.com, https://it.capitalbtcfx.com, https://cryptoclubfx.com, https://gamebtcfx.com, https://it.360smartfx.com and www.smartprofx.com